
Budapest, Prague, Jun 29

Number of travelers and ages

Adult (12+)


Child (4-11y)


Kid (2-3y)


Infant (1-23m)


Select optional excursions (greens are already included)

The overall cost determined by the initial room allocation

Approx. 88950

Secure your spot for 31500 only

The above is an approximate estimate of the total cost based on your selections. It may vary slightly or significantly depending on your final booking requirements and the allocation of rooms upon confirmation. Children under twelve will be charged as adults if separate accommodation is required. Kids under four and infants under two will be accommodated within existing room arrangements, with no extra bed, and at significantly discounted rates. Infants under two have a flat rate of EGP495 for all excursions. Visa application fees are calculated separately through our travel agents and upon your confirmation. Fees vary, with discounted rates available for kids under four and infants under two.

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